Hazardous waste collection

Hazardous waste collection

Caring for the environment should be a top priority for all of us. The stakes are even higher if we are talking about a company or institution whose areas of activity could have a major impact on the soil, water or air. As such, to show responsibility and care for our environment and for future generations, as well as to avoid legal issues, you should employ the services of a contractor specialised in hazardous waste collection services.

What hazardous waste are we collecting?

In this category we include materials, substances, compounds and other products which cause high pollutions, with devastating consequences over the environment and life. In the specific legislation, hazardous products are those that have one or more dangerous properties, respectively are: flammable, explosive, irritating, oxidizing, corrosive, infectious, toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic.

A few of the most well-known such products are:

  • used batteries and accumulators;
  • damaged light bulbs and other lighting sources;
  • burnt oils;
  • medical waste;
  • expired medicine and other products;
  • chemical and research compounds, etc.

These types of waste have properties or may contain certain substances which cause pollution and serious damages on water, air and soil and harm any life forms in these mediums.

Why choose Serviciinonstop.ro for hazardous waste collection?

Pollution is one of the top priority concerns for all current public administrations and governments around the world. The quality of life for future generation depends on how well and efficient we manage to handle the collection, recovery and destruction of hazardous waste.

That is why the only viable solution for selectively collecting and disposing of such waste is to employ the services of a company authorised in hazardous waste collection. With the right attitude and professional measures, we could grow the recycling level and reduce the negative impact of industrialisation and technological progress over our environment.

Our dedicated SERVICII NON STOP team can help you with collecting, recovery or disposal of hazardous waste. We are here to offer you:

  • specialised consultancy for preparing the required documentation regarding hazardous waste;
  • help in the elaboration of agreements, notes, environmental studies, management systems, diagnostics, certifications, etc.;
  • selecting, transporting, recycling or destruction of hazardous waste;
  • non-stop certified dangerous waste management services, across Romania.

Serviciinonstop is a hazardous waste management company which has the required authorizations and certification for the provision of specialized services and the management of any process in which waste is involved. We follow strict procedures and base our work on a certified management system for this type of activity. All our work is carried out according with the current safety and quality standards provided by national and European regulations.

Per customer request, we can provide a wide range of containers and packaging for waste collection. We organize the retrieval, recovery, and disposal of all types of hazardous waste.

Our hazardous waste collection, recycling and disposal services are addressed to all institutions, businesses, legal entities or individuals throughout the country. We have the expertise, staff and special equipment needed for an efficient hazardous waste management and transportation. You can order or contract our services at competitive prices! Feel free to contact us anytime to request a personalised quote for hazardous waste collection!

The ServiciiNonStop.ro team is always available for appointments and details about our services. You can also fill the form below and a member of our team will reply to you within the hour.